
So it’s day 2 of blogging, except I have no idea who I’m blogging to since as yet, I’ve been embarrassed to let anyone know I’ve started this. It’s the end of the summer, and I honestly thought I’d have a fair draft of my new novel by now. Alas, all I have are a few scattered notes. I guess it was a mistake to think that I could be home with 2 small children all day every day and still write something. So I’m looking forward to September and the start of school.

The sad part is, I think my story is completely fed up with me. At first, the ideas were coming fast and furious, now I have to seek them out, coax them with offers of chocolate and the occasional glass of wine. So I’m reminded of something Salman Rushdie said… “Books, if you don’t put them first, tend to sulk. They retreat into a corner and refuse to work.”

Silly me for putting my family first. It’s the curse of the woman. Do men have these problems? I’m not certain, but I tend to think not.