Last week in writing… late edition

So I got knocked out by a stomach bug last week, and the weekly roundup is late. You’ll forgive me though, won’t you? Let’s get to it.

The Bologna Children’s Book Fair was on this week, and many people turned out for the international event. Keynote addresses were on the topic of digital books in the hands of kids, including discussions of apps vs. ebooks.

At Bologna, the first Ragazzi Digital Award was given out to e-Toiles Editions for Dans Mon Reve (In My Dreams). So many publishers competed for the award that it’s clear, ebooks and apps are only going to get bigger and better.

Over at Cynthia Leitich Smith’s blog, there are plenty of interviews from Bologna participants. Enjoy.

Speaking of kids… this has nothing to do with publishing, but everything to do with the way kids learn, so I thought I’d share… Why Bilinguals are Smarter.

If you’re writing for teens, you might be interested in this article about how they communicate. Do you know how to use a smartphone? Because your character probably does.

Maybe it’s not the kids you can’t quite peg. Maybe it’s that unusual color. Merriam Webster has you covered with the top ten unusual colors.

Do you habitually underline sentences in everything you read? Then you have something in common with Jhumpa Lahiri, who says that opening sentences are like handshakes, or embraces. So true!

I’ve been planning to read the book MWF Seeking BFF. But now that I know it started as a blog, I’m even more intrigued. Here’s a post on the author’s advice for building your own blog.

There are so many books being made into movies this year. The New York Public Library has a list of them all.

IBBY announces the winners of the 2012 Hans Christian Andersen Award. Sheesh! More books to read!

Who doesn’t like a good writing competition? Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers announces a writing competition in conjunction with their 2012 conference. You have until April 20 to enter. Sharpen that prose!

And finally, author Brian Yansky wonders, do we need talent?