Thank you, Montclair!

On Saturday I was invited to speak at Montclair Library’s Black History Month event. I talked a little about how I came up with the ideas for my stories, and then did a brief reading and signed copies of my book for attendees, which the library bought.

This is only the most recent in a list of book events that I’ve done in Montclair. When my book first came out, Watchung Booksellers hosted an author speaking. It was my very first bookstore event. Then I visited Watchung Middle School and was invited to a Mother/Daughter book club at the Montclair Library to talk to mothers and daughters who had read or were reading my book.

So THANK YOU to the city of Montclair, Watchung Booksellers, Matilda and the other librarians at the Montclair Library, and all the people of Montclair who have supported me in my writing career. I am very grateful for your support.