Day 16: Marley Dias

It’s not everyday that one of the authors we spotlight also happens to be a member of the primary audience of the books that those of us Marley Dias 1at BBS creates.  But today, is that day.

The same month that she turned 13 years old, Marley Dias also became a debut author. An impressive milestone on its own, yet only the latest in the young author’s journey that started in November 2015 when she launched the #1000BlackGirlBooks campaign.

Famously quoted as rebuking the amount of books out there about White boys and dogs, Marley set out to collect 1,000 books that featured African American female protagonists. The campaign drew national attention and resulted in the donation of over 9,000 books.

Marley Book CoverMarley is now walking the walk by offering her own book, Marley Dias Gets It Done, a do-it-yourself guide to assist young readers with activism and tips on how to…

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