Day 9: Sarah Everett

saraheverettThis is a special year for The Brown Bookshelf as we celebrate 10 years of bringing authors and illustrators to booklovers. Today, I’m pleased to feature Sarah Everett. She writes from her home in Canada and released her debut novel Everyone We’ve Been in October 2016. She is currently working on a second young adult novel, but not at her desk. Please welcome Sarah Everett to 28 Days Later!

* The Journey

Like most writers, books have been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. From the time I could read, I was the kid carting home library books by the boatload and reading under the covers after bedtime. I also loved writing from a young age (essays, poetry, short stories, epic emails, etc.), but it never struck me as something I was “allowed” to do as anything other than a hobby. It wasn’t…

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